Small fixes for ssh.1 and ssh_config.5, OpenSSH_7.2p2
(too old to reply)
Steffen Nurpmeso
2016-03-29 19:21:07 UTC

the fix says it all. sftp.1 uses correct syntax already.

--- ssh.1.orig 2016-03-29 21:15:31.616819859 +0200
+++ ssh.1 2016-03-29 21:15:52.996820743 +0200
@@ -1049,7 +1049,7 @@ for remote and
.Fl KD Oo Ar bind_address : Oc Ar port
.Sm on
for dynamic port-forwardings.
-.Ic !\& Ns Ar command
+.Ic \&! Ns Ar command
allows the user to execute a local command if the
.Ic PermitLocalCommand
option is enabled in
--- ssh_config.5.orig 2016-03-29 20:43:23.853406023 +0200
+++ ssh_config.5 2016-03-29 20:42:21.703403428 +0200
@@ -1220,7 +1220,7 @@ The default is
Allow local command execution via the
.Ic LocalCommand
option or using the
-.Ic !\& Ns Ar command
+.Ic \&! Ns Ar command
escape sequence in
.Xr ssh 1 .
The argument must be

Steffen Nurpmeso
2016-03-31 19:24:57 UTC
Hallo Ingo, list,

Ingo Schwarze <***@usta.de> wrote:
|Steffen Nurpmeso wrote on Thu, Mar 31, 2016 at 07:11:14PM +0200:
|> I still haven't checked the OpenBSD version of OpenSSH, but i have
|> seen your message on their ML (via Gmane) and there you correctly
|> state what \& is far, it is used to avoid (mis)interpretation of "!".
|> So it should be before that, not thereafter.
|Non sequitur.

So now i have, and the bug(s) is (are) still in there. It is
a bug, if i type "man ssh_config" i see

Allow local command execution via the LocalCommand option or
using the ! Ns command escape sequence in ssh(1). The argument
must be ``yes'' or ``no''. The default is ``no''.

In OpenBSD language that is total crap.
If i type "zcat /usr/share/man/man5/ssh_config.5.gz|mandoc|v"
i see ... the very same!

|In many languages, you escape characters by placing something before
|them. But that isn't true in roff. In some contexts of roff, you can
|escape stuff by putting something *after* it.
|>>> and that mandoc falsely does the correct thing, if that is possible.
|>> Mandoc correctly does the correct thing.
|> The CVS version now does.
|Now you confuse me completely. During the last few years, i changed
|nothing in the mandoc code we are talking about. So how can the
|version of mandoc matter?

The version from September 2015 acted as if "\&! Ns" had been
used. I don't have it no more, and am toooo lazy to bite.
In the meanwhile i seem to remember a message from A. J. Bentley
who reported some bug a while back, did he? I'm drowning in work,
i'd surely search otherwise.

|>> some people find it more intuitive to put the "\&" afterwards to
|>> express that the character is not ending a sentence (i.e. is not a
|>> delimiter).
|> A bug.
|No, that practice is just fine.
|I don't understand why you keep calling it a bug.

(Manually typed.)

|> The visible flyspeck in the manuals of the portable version
|> springs into the eye and drives you up the wall. Bah.
|I have no idea what you are talking about. Which formatter are you
|using? Which output does it generate for which input?

Just feeding animals in the zoo. And then home.

Steffen Nurpmeso
2016-04-01 12:46:23 UTC
hans <***@stare.cz> wrote:
|On Mar 31 21:24:57, ***@sdaoden.eu wrote:
|> PermitLocalCommand
|> Allow local command execution via the LocalComman\
|> d option or
|> using the ! Ns command escape sequence in ssh(1). Th\
|> e argument
|> must be ``yes'' or ``no''. The default is ``no''.
|This is what I see:

If i could read "the ! King command" it would be fine by me.
Ns is not acceptable.

|What system are you on and which man(7) formatter does your man(1) use?

It is groff. It is mandoc as of CVS. It is Linux and FreeBSD,
What i wasn't sure about, is wether in "!\& Ns" the "\&" should
really escape the following Ns macro or not. I.e., wether that
was also a bug in mdoc(7) parsing or not. Ingo said it's not.
(The mdoc(7) macro expand such things recursive.)

|> If i type "zcat /usr/share/man/man5/ssh_config.5.gz|mandoc|v"
|> i see ... the very same!
|What is 'v'?

v='LESS= less --RAW-CONTROL-CHARS --ignore-case --no-init --quit-if-one-screen'

|> Just feeding animals in the zoo. And then home.
|Ah. I should have known better.

Yeah, but no meat a.k.a. cut corpses. Not imprisoned but free.
Only vegetarian stuff.

