relating to development
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ty armour
2016-03-27 18:37:48 UTC
I could use some tutorials on how to develop the backend of openssh.

I need to be able to lock down hardware via ssh so I can do remote audio
production sessions.

I need to have access to hardware via ssh. all the hardware from the CPU to
ram and networking cards.

Though I am not sure If im gonna have to develop custom microchips for
this, I thought maybe itd be a good place to start by asking for any and
every tutorial on developing the backend of openssh.

just post everything online.

I may have to build my own custom motherboards and computers to achieve
this stuff properly but its worth asking for tutorials anyway.
Nico Kadel-Garcia
2016-03-27 23:30:03 UTC
Post by ty armour
I could use some tutorials on how to develop the backend of openssh.
I need to be able to lock down hardware via ssh so I can do remote audio
production sessions.
I need to have access to hardware via ssh. all the hardware from the CPU to
ram and networking cards.
These are orthogonal issues. SSH is a communications protocol that
operates in uerland. With very few exceptions, it uses standard "libc"
calls to handle memory, CPU functions, and the network stack. And
below libc, the kernel does the direct management of the memory and

If you need system level tools to report on the network stack or
system resource, those are tied to the kernel and built into the
operating sytem. If you need management or reporting of those, look at
operating system tools and provide a good manual for users of your
remote SSH sessions rather than writing your own. If you're
integrating those dynamically into individual SSH sessions, I suspect
you're going to hurt yourself.

A customized shell for SSH clients to connect to and provide managed
access to such tools? Doable, likely not worth the effort.
Post by ty armour
Though I am not sure If im gonna have to develop custom microchips for
this, I thought maybe itd be a good place to start by asking for any and
every tutorial on developing the backend of openssh.
Read RFC 4253 on the SSH protocol. Then I'd urge you not to go there.
There are a *lot* of small devices that do SSH quite adequately, and
building encryption hardware from scratch is painful, fragile, and
likely to burn all your venture capital money with no viable product.
Been there, done that, watched projects blow their budgets and get
completely discarded because they tried to invent their own customized
"lowest chip count/highest speed" SSH setups instead of using a bog
standard micro CPU chipset with a micro-Linux or micro-BSD.
Post by ty armour
just post everything online.
I may have to build my own custom motherboards and computers to achieve
this stuff properly but its worth asking for tutorials anyway.
Don't bother. the number of existing rackmount devices, and boards to
do this already is fairly large, so there is no profit margin. Raritan
is well known, and their devices worked pretty well the last time I
checked 3 years ago.
