Griff Miller II
2016-04-15 22:32:24 UTC
Here is a better patch. Somehow I pasted an older version of my edits:
% diff ./match.c /home/millerig/osrc/openssh-7.2p2/match.c
< if (match_pattern(string, sub)) {
< if (negated)
< return -1; /* Negative */
< else
< * Return success if got a positive match. If there was a negative
< * match, we have already returned -1 and never get here.
% diff ./match.c /home/millerig/osrc/openssh-7.2p2/match.c
char *low_string = 0;
156,159c157,168< if (match_pattern(string, sub)) {
< if (negated)
< return -1; /* Negative */
< else
if (dolower) {
u_int j;
if (low_string) free(low_string);
low_string = malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
for (j = 0; j < strlen(string); ++j) low_string[j] = tolower(string[j]);
low_string[j] = 0;
if (match_pattern((dolower ? low_string : string), sub)) {
if (negated) {
got_positive = -1; /* Negative */
} else
165,166c174,175u_int j;
if (low_string) free(low_string);
low_string = malloc(strlen(string) + 1);
for (j = 0; j < strlen(string); ++j) low_string[j] = tolower(string[j]);
low_string[j] = 0;
if (match_pattern((dolower ? low_string : string), sub)) {
if (negated) {
got_positive = -1; /* Negative */
} else
< * Return success if got a positive match. If there was a negative
< * match, we have already returned -1 and never get here.
* Return success if there was a positive match;
* return -1 if there was a negative match.
167a177* return -1 if there was a negative match.
if (low_string) free(low_string);